Atlantic Salmon Sustainability
Starts With You

Who We Are
We are a multi-generational collection of passionate anglers and concerned conservationists representing the interests of over 25 river associations and their members, and the regional council of the Atlantic Salmon Federation.
We are a leader in watershed stewardship and innovative aquatic habitat restoration.
We rally anglers to be the champion of anadromous salmon and trout in Nova Scotia – protecting the fish, their native waters, the surrounding lands, our privileges as anglers, and the importance of our relationship with wild species in our home province.

What do we care about?
Abundant runs of wild Atlantic Salmon and sea trout returning each year to Nova Scotia rivers.
Watersheds and water quality optimized for the survival of native species and their ecosystems.
Amplifying the voice of concerned anglers and environmentalists.
Organizing the efforts of volunteers and river associations to maximize impact and long-term benefit.
The promotion of the sport of fly fishing – including the responsibilities and ethics that preserve traditions and ensure healthy populations.

What do we value?
Perpetually confident that our efforts will yield successful outcomes.
Our position and our priorities are shaped by sound science.
We are not swayed by difficulty, delay or odds. We are unafraid of work that has no end.

What do we do?
We represent the interests of native trout and salmon in Nova Scotia. We rally the actions of passionate anglers and conservationists to maximize the likelihood of survival and sustainability of our fish, rivers and recreation.