NSSA opposes the Beaver Dam Gold Mine
…and we need your help.
Atlantic Gold wants to build an open pit gold mine in the heart of our 17-year flagship restoration and research project. The impact on the West River Sheet Harbour project will be immense. NSSA is strongly opposed to this expansion of the Touquoy Mine.
The proposed project is currently undergoing an environmental impact assessment (both federally and provincially). Recently, the Impact Assessment Agency of Canada (IAAC) held a 30-day review for technical and public comment on this project and in particular the Environmental Impact Statement prepared by the mining company.
The NSSA detailed our key concerns in a formal submission to the IAAC.
What Are Our Concerns?
The West River Restoration Project is too valuable to accept any level of risk.
The revised EIS does not adequately consider the watershed downstream from the mine footprint.
The proposed quarry pit is simply too close to the Killag River (Cameron Flowage).
The spatial extent of the proposed work is too large and unnecessarily encroaches on adjacent sub-watersheds.
The benefits to Nova Scotia are minor relative to the value of the restoration project and the conservation progress already realized.
The NSSA generally lacks confidence that Atlantic Gold will prioritize protection of the environment and the West River Restoration Project.
Many others also raised their voice in opposition. You can read their thoughtful comments here on the IAAC registry.
Map of the West River Sheet Harbour watershed, showing the location of lime dosers, helicopter catchment liming (green), instream habitat restoration (blue), and smolt monitoring. Superimposed is the proposed mine site (to scale). Not shown are the >36 sites throughout the watershed where monitoring of water quality, population densities, temperature, and other parameters occur.
What’s At Stake?
West River Sheet Harbour from the air (L) and the current Touquoy Gold Mine at Moose River, NS (R).
One of the most important Atlantic Salmon conservation initiatives in Canada.
Since 2005, the NSSA has been working to restore fish and their habitat on the West River Sheet Harbour. This project relies on the hard work of staff, volunteers, affiliate river groups, government, industry and academia.
Our population monitoring continues to prove that habitat restoration works. We’ve seen an increase in Atlantic Salmon from ~3000 juveniles to over 11,000 per year, just from our liming program alone.
This work and the land it protects are too important to risk.
What can you do?
While this most recent formal round of public comment is closed, you can still contact your federal MP and provincial MLA. Tell them directly that you value this river and the work being done to protect it.
Next Steps…
The Impact Assessment Agency of Canada and the Nova Scotia Environment will prepare a DRAFT environmental impact assessment and conditions of the proposed project.
Another public review and comment period will follow.
The final decision will be made by the Minister of Environment and Climate Change.
St Barbara Limited
An Australian-based mining and exploration company that purchased Canadian Atlantic Gold Corp in 2019 for $722 million. They would stand to benefit the most from the proposed Beaver Dam Gold Mine Project and other proposals on the Eastern shore.
Impact Assessment Agency of Canada (IAAC)
The federal body responsible for creating impact assessments that investigate both negative and positive environmental, economic, social and health impacts of potential projects. They are accountable to the Minister of Environment and Climate Change. Visit iaac-aeic.gc.ca to learn more.